We just got in a very special and very custom little bike (12" seat tube) for a woman we will call Jaja (not her real name).
I was recently asked what the difference is between a single speed chain and the multi-speed counterpart. I thought this was a good question and here is my answer. Hopefully you find it helpful.
When I was a kid I used to flip through the Spooky bike catalog and dream about one day owning one. Recently I got to live vicariously through Ray, one of our customers. Ray was one of the lucky guys who actually owned a Spooky. An OG, real-deal, old school one, that is, and we converted it to a single speed for him.
Not that many people would consider competing in a 62 mile cyclocross race on a fixed gear, especially one with 6300 feet of elevation gain. But one of our racers, Kevin Clark, was up to the challenge.
Several members of our single speed clan were lucky enough to head to Aviemore, Scotland for the 2007 Single Speed World Champs.
As I mentioned in a previous post the single speed fever is now an outbreak. Here is a single speed Independent Fabrication Steel Deluxe that I just had to share. For you gram counters she tips the scale at 24.11 lbs. as she sets.
There is something about top tube protectors that I find very cool. Maybe it is the track star image or the gel encased steel. I don’t know what it is about them but I am now the proud owner of a Kashimax Five Gold top tube protector.
Being the hams that we are we can't seem to stay out of the news! A couple of days ago we were featured on MTBR. They posted a press release about our sponsorship of the world famous one speed wonders aka The Single Speed Outlaw Factory Team.
The Bicycle Escape is proud to announce that we are sponsoring the Single Speed Outlaw Factory Team. The club initiation meeting took place at the shop on Sunday April 15th.
The Gambrill Night Ride was a bust. With the temps hovering around freezing, conditions were up in the air. The five brave souls found trails covered by virtually un-rideable slush.