A good, well thought-out map holds true value. It can get you safely to your destination and requires no battery or cell service.
Ten great years have come and gone and we are more than thankful to continue our journey of serving the community by "peddling bicycles."
If you follow Jeff Jones and have been paying attention, you are by now well aware of the new Jones Plus frame. I am a rider who greatly appreciates the Jones brand and the cool products he makes. So like many of you, I ride what he sells.
On Sunday October 16th at 6:30 you have an opportunity to meet Jacquie Phelan. She will be giving a mountain bike history presentation and sharing insider information
New trails are getting built in Emmitsburg, MD and they need your help! Corridor clearing will be taking place August 13th and they are hoping for a good turn out to show their town council there’s excitement for the project.
We just finished Ken's new Moots MootoX RSL 29er. What a joy it was to build. With a 15QR tapered steer tube, Press Fit BB30, Industry Nine wheels, XTR bits and tons of Titanium this bicycle is hard to beat. Enjoy your new bike Ken!
Following last year’s successful launch of the Anthem X 29er full-suspension XC bike, Giant is introducing an all-new 29er bike for competitive XC racing and riding: the XtC Composite 29er.
This matte/gloss black fat fork mountain bike was enough to make me drool.
Trail Work
Originally uploaded by thebicycleesWith over 70 volunteers the Frederick Water Shed trail work day was very well attended. Special thanks to Frederick City Transportation planner Tim Davis for all his help making this possible.