This past Sunday was The Bicycle Escape/Single Speed Outlaw Puck’s Passage Ride. Despite the threat of thunder storms we had a great turn out. Fourteen cyclists, some riding fixies, some on mountain bikes and others with cross bikes, gathered at the Point of Rocks C&O parking lot ready to roll. We traveled down the C&O Canal trail to White’s Ferry where we boarded the people mover (cars and motorcycles first of course). We then headed to Route 15 towards Leesburg. Our destination was Vintage 50, a stylist restaurant/bar in Leesburg. While there we enjoyed yummy food, drink and relaxation. During our lunch break was the only time it really rained and when we hopped back on our bikes it had stopped. The overcast weather made the ride very pleasant. The sun didn’t scorch us and the few misty raindrops we received were quite refreshing. We went back home the way we came, across the ferry and down the C&O Canal trail. The ride ended up being a total of about 36 miles. I had a grand old time and I think everyone else did as well! Thank you Steve and Donna for leading the ride!
1 comment
Icon O. Classt
Glad you enjoyed it. Seems to be the common sentiment.>>Of course, that means we should have an even healthier turnout for Puck’s Passage II – <>Oberon’s Revenge<> (Point of Rocks to Harper’s Ferry and back), right? 🙂>>Great riding with you and Tom.