This past Sunday was pretty exciting. Greenbrier State Park hosted the Greenbrier Challenge UCI mountain bike race. Much has been written about the racers and the final results have been posted.
I will focus on the experience of attending a mountain bike race that attracted some of the best athletes in the sport.
Bike racing is great because the novice and Pro can compete on the same course in the same day. It is great because the superstars of the sport are so easily accessible. I was however, a little disappointed in the lack of spectators at the race. Mountain bike racing is not the greatest spectator sport but one would expect that there would be a decent sized crowd for such a high stakes race. On the flip side if there were tons of spectators the pros mentioned earlier would be sheltered behind barricades and bodyguards. My hope is that cycling popularity will end up somewhere in the middle.
Race Results:
Race Results:
I thought there might be more people too. However, this is easily the biggest crowd I’ve ever seen at race in my short career.>>I do like the fact that the pros are so accessible. We were parked about 10 feet from Bishop and Eatough. When’s the last time you parked your car across from Michael Jordan 🙂
I had a blast!!