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Blood & Vomi
Originally uploaded by thebicycleesca
With rain behind us and the sun shining, I enjoyed a leisurely ride exploring country roads. Always aware that country roads sometime equal unleashed dogs, I kept my eyes open as I rode. As I approach a particular farm house I was on heightened alert.

I held back a little so I would have a reserve if I needed to out race a furry four-legger. Just ahead of me the road curved. I began to hasten my pace through the turn. Just then I realized two things, 1) the road ended and 2) a dog was chasing me down. I skidded to a stop and pulled a fast u-turn directly into a second dog. As I raced away the dogs proved to me that they were in better shape than I. Finally, I got away and took a moment to rinse the taste of blood and vomit from my mouth. OK, maybe I am being a little dramatic but I really did not plan on doing intervals today.


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Intervals - The Bicycle Escape