This is an accomplishment worth celebrating! One can now walk, run, cycle, skate, skip or jump from The Frederick Fairgrounds, along Carroll Creek Linear Part, through Frederick’s beautiful Baker Park all the way to 40 West or what us locals call “The Golden Mile.” Along the way you will enjoy various parks and beautiful green spaces. End to end the path is about 5 miles in length. You pass the Schifferstadt Architectural Museum then go under route 15 on the widened sidewalk you will see the new tunnel that passes under the route 15 entrance ramp at Rosemont Ave. This new part of the path was worth waiting for. The green spaces, the new foot bridge, the trees with interpretive signage, and the careful way it all goes together, shows that a huge amount of thought and preparation went into this, the longest Frederick City trail. We want to thank the elected officials, staff, and volunteers who helped this huge project get completed.
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