Every so often you witness something that strikes you in some indefinable but monumental way. Yesterday, while researching online, I stumbled across a video that shocked me to my core. This video, better than any I have ever seen, represents my life in an uncanny way. Watching the short film was like being removed from my body and being forced to look down on myself as an omnipotent observer. Some of you may have already seen this but for those of you who have not please enjoy.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54CpPlCnM4I]
Icon O. Classt
“…while researching online, I stumbled across a video that shocked me to my core.” >>With a lead-in like that one, and the superman costume, I thought for sure this was going to be porn. 😉
I always knew you were a super hero 🙂
Tom, along with your super-duper bicycle repair skills, you hide a keen sense of humor under that mild-mannered exterior of yours…
I think my life is rather more like < HREF="http://www.ibras.dk/montypython/episode34.htm" REL="nofollow">the cycling tour,<> but I can’t find a youtube of it due to copyright issues.